Courses For Businesses

Meaningful communication needs an openness for both vulnerability and excitement.

Public Speaking and Digital Presence

This workshop is a basic introduction to Destructuring® and Restructuring® in Fitzmaurice Voicework®, and nervous system regulation strategies from Vāchikā. You will gain a deeper understanding of your body, its relationship to voice, and grounding in one's own presence. These practices support you in public speaking and making a human connection, for confident presentations and authentic communication.


Enhancing Digital Presence and Effective Communication - Consultants/SME

Presence work helps you 'read the room' better, express yourself more fully and communicate what matters most in the moment. The added complexity with digital presence is online fatigue and other effects felt on the human attention span. Voice is now more important than ever before. This module brings learnings from having taught somatic practices for presence and effective communication digitally, right through the pandemic to over 2000 people across the globe.


Breathing and Stress Resilience for Executive Managers

This module offers pathways to sensitising the human body to 'read the signs', release stress and build resiliency. We do this through empathic listening which begins first with the self, and then with the ability to 'listen in' when others need to be heard. This physical practice of empathy is teachable in easy, quick steps.


The Miracle of the Human Voice - For Leaders

Some leaders inspire us and remain lifelong influences. It's possible it was something they said at the exact moment when you needed to hear it. Great leaders are intuitive, exceptional speakers and have captivating presence. These are all trainable skills! Watch any good actor perform, and you'll know what I am talking about! And they get it right every time. They all had good voice coaches. If you are looking to level up, this one is for you!


Webinar - Organisation Wide

This is an introductory webinar on the human voice in the workplace with easy to practice tips and suggestions on better vocal habits. You will learn to build awareness around healthy breathing for effective and healthy voice use, strategies for stress release, and nervous system regulation in work environments.
